UW-Eau Claire's Center for Service-Learning received more than $700 as the September recipient of the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram's Jeans Day for Charity donation. The purpose of Jeans Day for Charity is to bring area businesses, schools and organizations together to raise funds for local charities. Businesses are invited to participate by allowing their employees to wear blue jeans on the last Friday of each month, with each employee paying $1 for the opportunity to do so. The money is collected and donated to a different charity each month. Although the donation will be used to champion projects throughout the year, the CSL already has used a portion of the donation to collect, repair and distribute on a no-cost basis more than 20 bicycles that were abandoned on campus. Through UW-Eau Claire's Wheel Fix It program, Eau Claire community organizations Positive Avenues, The Community Table and InnTowne Hotel received refurbished bicycles.