Before the test, UW-Eau Claire students and employees are encouraged to sign up online for emergency notifications via cell phone (text and/or text-to-speech) and e-mail messages to non-university e-mail accounts.
The test will include the following notification methods:
- email message to all student and employee university email addresses;
- announcement on UW-Eau Claire Web pages;
- announcements on UW-Eau Claire official Facebook page and Twitter feed;
- text and email messages to cell phones and non-university email addresses that have been registered with the university's emergency notification system;
- pop-up message on all university-owned computers (except for Macintosh computers), including those in offices, labs and classrooms;
- message sent over the university's carillon; and
- announcement on the university's emergency website,
Questions regarding the test of the emergency notification system should be directed to Dr. Michael Wick, chair of the communication subcommittee of the Emergency Preparedness Committee, at